Commissioner Report offers an important perspective

The Folsom Parks and Recreation Commission has published Commissioner Perspectives 2022, an independently published document that highlights the accomplishments of the parks and recreation commission. The document also brings attention to the challenges that are facing parks and recreation in the City of Folsom.

The Folsom Parks ands Recreation Commission has been working in smaller subcommittees for several years with commissioners dedicated to a particular task or area.

Subcommittees allow the commission to dive deeper into specific topics and explore these areas of interest in greater detail. Subcommittees formally share findings and opinions with the full commission in public meetings. Currently, there are 4 standing subcommittees. The subcommittees are as follows.

•  Budget

•  Planning & Development

•  Youth Sports

•  Renovation

Pages from the 10 page commissioners report that was authored by the Folsom Parks and Recreation Commission.

The Commissioner Perspectives report highlights achievements and challenges in each of the 4 areas. Content and perspectives were provided by the subcommittees and included in the document.

The publication of Commissioner Perspectives 2022, was the first time that a commission has prepared an annual report for Folsom residents. This is not a document prepared by city personnel. The perspectives within the report were the views and opinions of the Commission and the report had been authored in the spirit of full transparency.

The report offers commissioners the opportunity to share perspectives with our neighbors and help them to understand what the commission is actively working on and the challenges that we may be facing moving forward.

Like many other cities, budget and staffing issues have created many challenges in maintaining parks, providing amenities, and delivering services. The report helps bring some of these issues into the light.

The report has been made available to the public through the city’s website.

You can download the report here.


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